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Compliance Violation Procedure

Angels In Your Home would be unable to know about every possible compliance issue and take corrective action without assistance from the AIYH community.

Compliance violations include:
   • Fraud
   • Waste
   • Abuse
   • Inappropriate billing, coding or documentation
   • Improper claim submissions
   • HIPPA and patient privacy issues
   • Conflicts of intertest
   • Violations of the Code of Conduct

Suspect a compliance violation? Follow the steps below.

  1. 1. Call the Corporate Compliance Hotline at (844)500-AIYH
  2. 2. Identify the Who, What, Where, When and How of the alleged compliance issue
  3. 3. AIYH policies allow compliance reports to be made anonymously. While giving your name would be helpful if more information is needed, you are not required to include it.
       a. If willing to self-disclose identity: fill out the corresponding reporting form and submit to the Corporate Compliance Officer at
       b. If unwilling to self-disclose identity and wish to remain anonymous: no further action required

    AIYH Non-Retaliation and Non-Intimidation Policy prohibits retaliation against individuals who report activities that may violate laws, regulations policies, standards, and protections apply to former and current officers, employees, contractors, volunteers, and Medicaid program Beneficiaries who receive services from AIYH, among others. Each report is taken seriously and thoroughly reviewed to make sure proper action is taken.